Yoga for Better & Healthy Living- Explore Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss 


A healthy person can indeed prosper in their life! In this fast-paced world, everyone struggles to be fit physically, mentally, and emotionally.

One of the perfect physical activities that one can incorporate into one’s routine is Yoga. Yoga, an ancient practice, is a form of exercise considered essential, as it not only affects our physical health but also our mental well-being. Yoga benefits us in numerous ways, there are several yoga exercises for weight loss that one can also consider.

There are various problems that people deal with nowadays, these can be high blood pressure, thyroid, diabetes, and many more.

Yoga is known to be the perfect practice that harmonizes the mind, spirit, and body, via the process of meditation, diverse Asanas, controlled breathing, and exercises. Further, yoga is said to be very effective for weight loss. Let us discuss this in depth, but first, let’s see how Yoga benefits us! 

Is Yoga Effective for Weight Loss? 

Yoga is considered a good tool for weight loss, and when an individual takes care of their healthy habits, it even shows more positive results.  

When we are stressed, our bodies release a hormone known as cortisol, which can cause us to hold onto some extra weight, specifically in the belly area. Yoga benefits human beings as it reduces stress, provides calmness, and eradicates cortisol, helping in shredding the extra pounds.  

How Yoga Benefits Us?  

The alluring practice of Yoga offers an array of benefits, including:  

  • Improves the flexibility 
  • Helps with stress relief  
  • Maintains good respiratory health 
  • Improved energy and vitality 
  • Boost our metabolism 
  • Results in increased muscle tone 
  • Improve our cardiovascular health 
  • Helps in weight loss 
  • Stress management 

There are several Yoga Asanas, or we can say Yoga poses that are performed every day to keep our health for the greater good.  

Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss 

  1. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) 
  2. Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) 
  3. Konasana (Angle Pose) 
  4. Utkatasana (Chair Pose) 
  5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) 

Surya Namaskar, the kind of Asanas, is a series of yoga poses that are often used as a warm-up in Yoga sessions. Surya Namaskar Yoga benefits us in many ways, it is ideal for the whole body; it is effective for weight loss as it involves the whole body. It tones the shoulders, neck, spine, hands, arms, wrists, leg and back muscles. For the optimum results, one should perform it keeping the navel tucked in. 

Let us tell you that one round of Surya Namaskar contains two sets of 12 yoga poses each and it burns up to 13.90 calories (about 1 minute of running) for an average weighing person. So, one can decide the number of sets according to their goals.  

  • Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) 

Another in line of yoga exercises for weight loss is Virabhadrasana. It is best for toning the arms, legs, and lower back. It helps in building stamina and improves metabolism by enhancing oxygen and blood flow to the muscles. As an individual can build muscle through the Warrior Pose, it enhances their body’s ability to burn calories and fat even when resting.  

  • Konasana (Angle Pose) 

The next in line is Konasana, it is a Yoga asana that helps in burning fat around the waistline. An individual who includes sana in their daily yoga routine, it can indirectly support their weight loss by improving flexibility and balance. Further, this Yoga asana stimulates the digestive system. 

  • Utkatasana (Chair Pose) 

One needs to understand that the higher the metabolic rate you have, the more fat you burn. Utkatasana is widely known for increasing the metabolic rate and is one of the useful yoga exercises for weight loss. When we hold on to the chair pose, it works on our muscles and tone the thighs, legs and knees.  

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 

The Bhujangasana Yoga benefits us to strengthen our core and back, it further tones the arms, back, and abdomen. It cannot be considered as a direct tool for weight loss, but it affects the process. It can support your weight loss journey by building muscle and improving posture. In addition, it decreases fat in the abdominal muscles and the stomach region. 

Along with these, one can also consider some other Yoga exercises for weight loss such as Nidra, Navasana (Boat Pose), Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Parivrtta Utkatasana (Twisted Chair Pose), and more.  

Everyday Yoga Poses 

  • Mountain Pose– A foundational asana that allows you to practice the fundamentals of correct alignment and muscle engagement.  
  • Downward Facing Dog- The Downward dog stretches yoga pose improves the blood flow through our body. Further, it helps to relieve tension from the back as well as neck.  
  • Upward Facing Dog- It is said to be a back-bending yoga posture that provides a deep back stretch while also stimulating our core. This can also be considered as one of the yoga exercises for weight loss.  
  • Plank– A plank Yoga benefits us in strengthening the core and abdomen. It further strengthens the hips, lower back and abdomen.  
  • Chair Pose- Chair pose is said to be very especially effective at toning the legs, stretching your chest, and strengthening your ab muscles. 
  • Butterfly- The butterfly pose involves the up-and-down movement of both legs. They should be part of your data quality testing strategy. Furthermore, the butterfly pose may help open the hip joint muscles and even help in toning the lower part of the body. 
  • Child’s Pose- Child pose in another Yoga pose that stretches our neck, lower the back, thighs, and ankles, while also releasing your hips. It provides a calming effect. 

Everyone should perform some of the essential Yoga poses daily. Let us move forward to Yoga for weight loss.  

How Often Should We Do Yoga to Lose Weight? 

It is advisable to perform Yoga daily. Specifically, when an individual is aiming for weight loss, they can practice as often as possible. One can perform more intense, active practice at least 4 or 5 times per week, for a minimum of 1 year. Other than this, restorative Yoga sessions are great options.  

Furthermore, if you’re a beginner then you can start with a 20-minute practice and grow up from there. This will further allow us to build up more strength, and flexibility, and prevent injuries.  

Another tip for advanced practitioners is to combine your Yoga practice with activities like walking, cycling, or swimming for cardiovascular health. Make sure to take a 1 or 2-day break each week. Let’s now look at some of the useful yoga exercises for weight loss!  

Tips to Remember!  

  • Try to do Yoga Asanas regularly for better results.  
  • As Yoga works slowly, please be patient!  
  • Try to develop some heathy eating habits.  
  • Furthermore, indulge in some outdoor activities.  
  • In addition, you can go to the gym and add a workout routine. Check out the Anytime Fitness Gym membership!  

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