Gym Etiquette 101 for a Respectful Workout Experience

Gym Etiquette

Going to the gym can be a great way to stay healthy and fit, but it’s important to remember that you’re not the only one using the equipment and space in a gym. Practicing proper gym etiquette can help ensure that everyone has a respectful workout experience. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when you hit the gym.

  • Do: Bring a towel

One of the most important rules of gym etiquette is to bring a towel with you to the gym. Not only is it important to wipe down equipment after you use it, but it’s also important to keep sweat from dripping onto equipment or the floor. Bring a small towel with you and use it to wipe down equipment after you use it, as well as to wipe off any sweat that you might accumulate during your workout.

  • Don’t: Hog equipment

When the gym is busy, it’s important to be mindful of how long you’re using the equipment. While it’s okay to take a break between sets, don’t hog equipment for extended periods of time. If you’re resting between sets, let others work in if they ask, or be mindful of how many sets you’re doing and how long you’re using the equipment.

  • Do: Put weights away

One of the most common pet peeves among gym-goers is people who don’t put their weights away when they’re finished using them. This can make the gym feel cluttered and disorganized, and can also be dangerous if someone trips over a weight left on the floor. Make sure to put weights away after you use them, and encourage others to do the same.

  • Don’t: Take photos in the locker room

While it’s okay to take photos at the gym for motivation or progress tracking, it’s not okay to take photos in the locker room. This can be invasive and make others feel uncomfortable. Respect others’ privacy and keep your phone in your locker while you’re in the locker room.

  • Do: Ask before working in

If the gym is busy and equipment is in high demand, it’s okay to ask to work with someone else. However, it’s important to ask first and make sure that it’s okay with the other person. Don’t just jump in and start using the equipment without asking, as this can be rude and disruptive.

  • Don’t: Talk on the phone

Talking on the phone while working out can be distracting to others and disrupt the gym environment. If you need to take a call, step outside or into a designated phone area. It’s also important to avoid using speakerphones or playing music out loud without headphones.

  • Do: Be mindful of personal hygiene

While it’s important to work up a sweat at the gym, it’s also important to be mindful of personal hygiene. Wear deodorant, shower after your workout, and avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes that could bother others. Additionally, be sure to wear clean workout clothes and shoes to avoid spreading germs or odors.

  • Don’t: Give unsolicited advice

While it’s tempting to offer advice to others at the gym, it’s important to remember that not everyone wants or needs your advice. Unless someone specifically asks for help or advice, it’s best to keep your comments to yourself and focus on your own workout.

  • Do: Respect others’ personal space

When the gym is busy, it can be tempting to get up close and personal with other gym-goers. However, it’s important to respect others’ personal space and avoid standing too close or staring. Additionally, be mindful of where you’re standing or walking to avoid accidentally bumping into someone or disrupting their workout.


By following these simple gym etiquette rules, you can help ensure that everyone has a respectful and enjoyable workout experience. Remember to be mindful of others, put equipment away, and practice good personal hygiene.

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